Dr. Nicole Apelian has been a biologist, herbalist, and survival skills instructor for more than 30 years.
Her first run-in with true wilderness living happened long ago, while she was working as a game warden and then a field biologist in Africa. She lived alone in a tent, in the bush. Basically, this was as close to the middle of nowhere, as you can possibly imagine.
She’s also spent many years working with a San Bushmen tribe in the Kalahari Desert. They’re one of the last tribes of hunter-gatherers in the world. It was there that she learned many of the ancestral skills she practices and teaches to this day. Skills that have been lost to the modern world.
Using these skills, she survived for 57 days straight in the wilderness of Vancouver Island on the reality TV show Alone. She was there with no crew and little gear, but she still thrived with little more than the things you will discover inside The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Academy.
The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Academy
In a widespread collapse when there will be no more food in supermarkets, when pharmacies will get looted of life-saving pills and people may turn against each other, knowing these skills will make the biggest difference for you, and your family.
After all, a crisis is no longer a crisis if you know how to survive in the wild.
What I wanted to do with this Academy is give you the skills to turn the wild into your second home. With these skills you can build everything you need to survive from scratch.
With each class you complete in the Academy, you’ll become a little more self-sufficient. No matter where life takes you, the skills you’re going to master in the Academy will always stay with you.
The Wild will be your second home, and you’ll use it either to survive, to reconnect with Nature, or to find your strength when you are down in life.
You can complete The Academy at your own pace - in a 3-day marathon, over three weeks, or even a few months - that’s entirely up to you. Or you can jump straight to the course about a specific project or subject that interests you right now.
Once you graduate, you’ll also receive a beautiful diploma with your name on it that certifies you are trained in wilderness survival and can survive in the Wild indefinitely.
Here's Just a Glimpse of
What We Will Be Doing Together Inside
The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Academy:
How to Make Yourself Invisible in the Wild
If you ever want to get off the radar for a while, or if you're being followed and want to cover your tracks, then I bet you’ll wish you had watched this course first.
How to Filter Water Using a Sandwich Bag
How to Make the Ultimate Fire Starter
That Burns Like Hell
They’re super easy to make using two natural materials you’ll have no trouble finding in the woods: pine resin and decomposing wood.
After you’ve made a few of these fire starters, add them to your backpack for a rainy day because this will help you light a fire even when it’s pouring outside.
How to Make a Wild Fridge
Finding food in the wild can be challenging, so you want to ensure it won’t spoil. In fact, the Wild Fridge is becoming so popular that more and more people are making one in their own backyards. And you can do that too.
The Hidden Trap That Catches Your Breakfast
While You Sleep
All you need to do is set it up, then go about your business and let it do its work. After a few hours check for prey and bon appetit.
How to Make a Wilderness Survival House
If you ever thought about turning the wild into your second home, or living in the woods for a few weeks, months, or even years then this is the type of shelter you want. The Wilderness Survival House even has a small cellar, a fireplace, and even a bed, all of these to make you feel like you’re not missing anything.
How to Keep Mosquitoes Away With Cattails
You might be aware that cattails are edible and that the gel between their leaves can be used as a potent anesthetic, but here’s how I often use them. Place 4 cattails above the fire like this until they blacken. Once dry, the cattail will burn slowly just like a cigar, producing mosquito-repelling smoke throughout the night.
With so many new cases of West Nile and Eastern Equine Encephalitis, just enjoying the outdoors can put you at risk. So, place some cattail smokers around your shelter to get a worry-free restful night’s sleep without any mosquito or other bug bites.
What Happens If You Put Moss Over a Wound
You just have to clean the wound a bit, apply the moss, and secure it as you would with a bandage. It acts like a natural iodine and has absorbent and antiseptic properties that will help the wound not get infected.
How to Make Water Out of Thin Air
Using Only a Few Rocks
All you need to do is dig a hole and place an empty cup in the middle. Fill the hole with green vegetation and cover everything with a piece of clear plastic sheet. Place one rock in the middle to tilt it at 45 degrees. As the moisture from plants evaporates over time it will condense on the plastic and flow down inside the cup.
The best time to set it up is first thing in the morning when plants have dew on them. Then leave it for 4 hours in the sun and see how much water we get.
Velcro of the Woods
That Has Potato-Tasting Roots
This sticky bush is usually considered a nuisance but to those in the know, it’s actually a nutrient-packed meal that can supply precious calories when you need them the most. And I’ll show you where to find it, how to harvest it, and a few ways to cook its potato-tasting roots when you’re stranded in the wild.
The Self-Feeding Fire
When stranded in the wilderness, tasks like finding food, water, and other survival items require time and focus. And tending to a fire can rob you of those precious resources. This ingenious survival fire burns and feeds itself for 14 hours straight without you having to do a thing. Just load and light it, and you’re good to go!
If You See a Pine Tree, Do This Immediately...
Not a lot of people know that pinecones actually contain nuts that are extremely nutritious, full of fat, vitamins, minerals, and delicious too! You could survive out here for days on end just on these seeds alone. Even some expert survivalists don’t know the right way to extract them – but don’t worry, there’s a fire trick you’ll learn in the academy that makes it ridiculously easy to do that.
The Most Dangerous Knot You Need to Know
in the Wild
It's known as the constrictor knot and once it binds down around an object it won’t let go. To tie it, wrap the cordage around an object, cross it over, and create an X shape. Go back around over the main rope and under the X you just made. The idea is to pull tight each end to make it more powerful.
You can use it to bundle up wood or objects that you need to keep securely in place. Make sure you never use this knot around body parts or limbs because it won’t come loose. Inside the Academy, I will show the other eight practical knots that you need to know in the wild.
How to Make a Mushroom Band-Aid
You’ll have to find this mushroom, cut a small part of the underside, peel a thin layer, and wrap it around your finger. When this is fresh, it will act like a natural adhesive and it’s also antibacterial and antifungal.
What Happens If You Pour Boiling Water
Over Acorns
I will also tell you what happens if you pour boiling water over acorns.
How to Make a Coyote Well
(and Get Endless Filtered Water)
You’ll know how you can have your own water source near your camp.
Tarp Shelters You Should Know by Heart
The easiest one to set up that you can grab and fold while you’re on the go, the best one for shade, the best one for keeping you warm, the best to sleep in comfortably, the best one to protect you from wind, rain or snow, and many more that might come in handy one day.
Hot Dog of the Woods
(The Ultimate Survival Superfood)
Where to find it, how to recognize it, and how to cook it. I’m talking about a plant that is nutrient-rich and packed with vitamins, minerals, and much-needed proteins.
How to Make a Sturdy Raft
You’ll use it to fish deep waters, explore, move fast over long distances, or follow a river downstream, back to civilization.
The Ropes Hiding Beneath Your Feet
Some tree species have roots that are both flexible and strong enough to tie knots, make traps, and can be used for many other survival tools. The best part about this "root cordage" is that it will hardly take any time to acquire, unlike the one made by twisting plant fibers, which you’ll also learn at the Academy.
How to Find Fatwood - Nature's Gasoline
This potent fire starter can be found in any outdoor area where pine and fir trees grow. Fatwood shavings are so flammable they light up with a spark, even when they're wet. That’s because they contain terpene, the main component of turpentine, a common lamp oil. Fatwood fire also burns hotter, and longer than a regular wood fire.
The First Aid Plant
That Can Stop Bleeding in Seconds
The same one that saved me on the Alone show. If you ever find yourself in the wild with a deep cut, get your hands on some Yarrow. Pick up a few leaves, chew them in your mouth, and smear this “spit poultice” on top of the wound. It will stop the flow of blood and provide pain relief.
The Surprising Reason You Should Keep Coal
in Your Pockets
The Navy SEALs and British SAS do this whenever they’re sent on a mission in the wild.
How to Find Wild Eggs
This life-saving protein source isn’t as out of reach as most people may think. In fact, some of the most nutrient-dense eggs can be found at ground level and are easy to grab. But you have to know where to look first!
This Is How Your Pants Can Save Your Life
This is an essential trick used by Navy SEALs that can help you turn a regular pair of pants into a makeshift life ring. This technique has helped shipwrecked people survive for days adrift at sea until they were eventually rescued.
How to Tap the Forest’s Keg – An Endless Source of Water and Nutrients
This is a common tree whose sap is rich in vitamins and nutrients, but also high in water content that you can live solely on it for weeks, if not months.
Robinson Crusoe’s Fish Trap
I used his method the second time I was in Alone. The best part about this fishing method is that you don’t have to be there all the time. You can do other things around your camp while the Robinson Crusoe’s fish trap catches your next meal.
Why You Should Put Wood Ash on Your Skin
When you get a poison ivy rash, simply mix the ashes left from your campfire with some water to create a paste. Apply it to the rash and let it dry out on your skin. Wood ash relieves the itching and pain by neutralizing the plant’s irritating oils.
How to Make a Complete Water Purification System with One Plastic Bottle
This is probably the easiest system to set up and it’s a 2 in 1, as it filters and cleans your water simultaneously.
Wild Aspirin
If you’re ever in the woods and get a headache, take about an inch of a willow tip and chew on it. You’ll find the taste is very similar to regular Aspirin. That's because it contains salicin, a compound that is closely related to the one you find in aspirin. You will also learn how to make a potent tincture at home, perfect for stocking in your medicine cabinet for times when pharmacies aren’t available.
How to Boil Water with Leaves
Just throw 4 rocks in a fire to heat them. While you’re waiting, dig a small hole, fold one leaf into a cone, and place it inside. Fold the other leaf the same way and use it to transport the water from its source. Once you put the heated rocks into your leaf container the water will boil and become purified of pathogens.
How to Make Tinder From a Used Sock
Take a knife and start shaving off the sock lint. It sparks immediately and it will not ruin your socks.
12 Poisonous Plants to Never Ever Eat or Touch
Plants are everywhere around you, and if you can identify them, you will never run out of food in the wild. But if you’re not careful, some can hurt you badly. Sometimes you don’t even have to do more than touch them to get a bad skin rash.
One of the poisonous plants we will learn in the Academy is Black Nightshade. It looks similar to a Blueberry, but if you ingest even a few of its unripe berries, you could get nauseous and start vomiting. You can tell the difference between Black Nightshade and Blueberry because Black Nightshade’s flowers contain five petals that open up and curl backward fully revealing a yellow center. Also, they do not have the powdery blue coating that is typical of blueberries.
The Best Toilet Paper You Can Find
in the Wild
For example, this plant right here is called the “Hunter’s Toilet Paper”. It’s a common weed that grows coast-to-coast in open places or the forest’s edge. Its velvety leaves are so soft that they resemble cotton, making it perfect for those times when you really have to go and there’s nothing else available. This plant is also pest-resistant, so you won’t find any bugs or eggs on it.
+4 Life-Changing Gifts for the First 250 Members
The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Academy Guide
The first gift you’ll receive is The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Academy Guide where you’ll be able to find, in writing, everything you’ll learn about in the Academy. It’s organized to follow the videos, with clear pictures, diagrams, and instructions to help you turn the wild into your second home. If you want to see how to make a shelter but don’t want to watch the video course again, you can always follow the instructions from The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Academy Guide.
DIY Projects for a World Without Electricity
The second gift is DIY Projects for a World Without Electricity. If the Grid goes down tomorrow, most of the things you now take for granted will disappear, from food, water, and communications. This guide will show you how to live without electricity and build some ingenious projects, like an indoor aquaponics system, a rainwater collector and a water filter, a windowsill medicinal garden, a composting toilet, the three-bathtub greywater irrigation system, and 33 other useful projects in a world without electricity.
How to Make an Herbal Apothecary at Home
The third gift is called How to Make an Herbal Apothecary at Home. Inside this guide, you’ll find instructions on how to make your own pharmacy from scratch. From the items and tools to use, to how to choose herbs and weeds the right way, to what are the best herbs to grow in your own backyard and complete, step-by-step instructions on how to make the most potent remedies and store them for the long term, for almost every ailment and health issue.
The Upcoming Economic Depression: How to Survive It
The fourth gift you’ll receive is The Upcoming Economic Depression: How to Survive It. You cannot be certain of anything anymore, but there is one thing that seems to be going down—the dollar. According to the latest statistics, the crisis will reach its climax by the end of this year, so there’s not much time to prepare and there’s no way you can postpone if you want to have a standing chance of surviving the next depression. But with this guide, you can start preparing right away. In it, you’ll discover the strategies and actions you can start putting into practice right away to survive even the darkest times.
Once you secure your spot inside The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Academy, you’ll also receive these 4 exclusive gifts worth $39 each completely FREE.
The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Academy is NOT a subscription. You pay once and you and your family will have access to it for life, from your mobile phone, your tablet, your laptop, or TV. And you can access it from anywhere in the world.
For a limited time, a limited number of people can take advantage of an additional early bird discount and get everything for just $39.
Click on the button below to claim this discount before it’s gone.
I want you to feel completely comfortable joining this Academy. That’s why, if you’re not completely satisfied with it, all you need to do is simply send us a short e-mail anytime in the next 60 days and you’ll get a full refund. You have a full 60-Day Money Back Guarantee to see if it’s right for you.
There is no catch here. No questions asked. You don’t even have to return anything. You can keep the bonuses as a thank-you for trying the Academy.
That’s my personal guarantee to you. So go ahead and start this exciting journey toward independence risk-free.
The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Academy is the only place where you can find all the lost skills you need to turn the wild into your second home. Together we’ll lay the strongest foundation for wilderness living. And as we go deeper and deeper into this knowledge, with more advanced and ingenious techniques you’ll be able to do more than just survive – you’ll thrive in the wilderness, which will become your second home.
Your Escape from the Hustle and Bustle of the Modern World
This Academy is not about taking a short hike in the woods and finding your way back. I created this Academy to help you live a good life in the wild for as long as you need. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing it to escape a crisis, or just because you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life and reconnect with Mother Nature. The Wilderness Long-Term Survival Academy will serve you in both cases.
Your “Insurance Policy” When Crisis Hits
You will never regret learning a new survival skill, and becoming more self-sufficient and independent from grocery stores, pharmacies, and the Government, I promise. When the next devastating crisis hits, you may lose your house, your car, or your life savings, but you’ll never lose the knowledge inside your head.
Start a New Chapter in Your Life
With the knowledge I’ve saved for you inside the Academy you’ll be able to start again from scratch, right here just like the people who came to America with nothing but the clothes on their backs, tamed a wild area just like this one, and made it their home.
Pass the Knowledge onto Your Kids
Because you’ll learn everything by doing, the information will stay with you forever and you can pass it on to your kids and grandkids. Until a few decades ago, parents would take their children into the wild and teach them how to recognize edible and medicinal plants, how to make different types of fires, how to filter water, and many of the other skills covered in this Academy. These skills are no longer being taught in school or anywhere else.
An Invaluable Resource for Future Generations
This is one of the reasons I made this Academy, to allow parents and grandparents the joy of teaching future generations skills that really matter and pry them away from screens into an area where they can be explorers and conquerors.
One of the greatest gifts for a child is to give them your time and do fun and interesting activities together. They’ll remember it for a lifetime, and they’ll think of you fondly and tell their own kids “My mom taught me this skill” or “I learned this from my grandpa”. Long after you’ve moved on from this world you will still live in their memory.
It doesn’t matter how many winters you’ve seen. There is no such thing as too soon or too late to learn something that will make your life better. You can start today!
By joining The Wilderness Long-Term Academy today, you’ll have the peace of mind that you can be prepared to survive just about anything with nothing more than a well-made backpack that’s easy to carry, and your knowledge. But you’ll also enjoy spending time in Nature.
You can get access to The Wilderness Long-Term Academy in just one minute. And you can start it right now if you want or you can begin whenever you are ready. You can watch it alone or together with your family.
No matter what, your skills are untouchable. Once you have them, nobody can take them away from you. Even if the world as you know it crumbles around, you’ll know that you have what it takes to survive.
You might lose everything, but if you know how to turn the Wild into your second home, you’ll always be able to start new and protect yourself and your family.
For just $99 dollars (UPDATE: just $39) you can have me as your personal wilderness skills teacher, showing you how to thrive in the wilderness.
I really hope you will take advantage of The Wilderness Long-Term Academy, but even if you decide otherwise, I want to thank you for reading this message and watching the special video I made for you.
Many blessings and good health,
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